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Construction Talbon Inc: Its Details And Turnover


Construction Talbon Inc is a company that operates in the Nonresidential Building Construction industry and is based in Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec, Canada.

Construction Talbon Inc employs 60 people and generates $5.44 million in revenue across all of its sites (USD).

Talbon Company Overview


About Construction Talbon Inc

 203 boul Industriel Rouyn-Noranda, QC, J9X 6P2 Canada
 (819) 797-0122
 $5.44 million



FAQ (Question that is commonly asked)

Q. Where do you find the headquarters of Construction Talbon Inc?

The headquarters of Construction Talbon Inc can be found at 203 boul Industriel, Rouyn-Noranda, QC, J9X 6P2 Canada.

Q. What is the business sector of Construction Talbon Inc?

Construction Nonresidential Building Construction is Talbon Inc’s business.

Q. Is there a phone number for Construction Talbon Inc?

819-797-0122 is the phone number for Construction Talbon Inc.

Q. What is the address of the website for Construction Talbon Inc?

www.talbon.ca is the website for Talbon Construction Inc.

Q. Construction Talbon Inc employs how many people?

Talbon Inc. employs 60 people in construction.

Q. Who is the main figurehead of Construction Talbon Inc?

Paul Bernier is the founder of Construction Talbon Inc.

Q. Construction Talbon Inc was founded in what year?

In 1983, Talbon Construction Inc. was founded.

Q. Construction Talbon Inc was established in what year?

Incorporated in 1983, Construction Talbon Inc.

Q. What is the revenue generated by Construction Talbon Inc?

Talbon Construction Inc generates $5.44 million in revenue.

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