Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba is a popular manga and anime series that follows the adventures of Tanjiro Kamado, a young boy who becomes a demon slayer after his family is slaughtered by a demon. Along the way, he meets various allies and enemies, some of whom develop romantic feelings for each other. These pairings are known as “ships” in the fandom, and they can be based on canon events, fan speculation, or personal preference.
In this article, we will explore some of the most popular and interesting Demon Slayer ships, ranked by fans on various websites and platforms. We will also provide some background information, evidence, and trivia for each ship. Please note that this article may contain spoilers for the manga and anime, so proceed with caution if you are not caught up.
Zenitsu x Nezuko
This is one of the most popular and obvious ships in the series, as Zenitsu Agatsuma, a cowardly but powerful demon slayer, falls in love with Nezuko Kamado, Tanjiro’s sister who was turned into a demon. Zenitsu first sees Nezuko when she emerges from her box to protect Tanjiro from a spider demon, and he is instantly smitten by her beauty and kindness. He declares her as his future wife and vows to protect her at all costs.
Zenitsu’s feelings for Nezuko are mostly one-sided, as Nezuko does not show much interest in him or anyone else romantically. However, she does appreciate his loyalty and bravery, and often comforts him when he is scared or injured. Zenitsu also respects Nezuko’s wishes and does not force himself on her or try to kiss her without consent. He even defends her from other people who doubt her humanity or try to harm her.
Some fans like this ship because they find Zenitsu’s devotion and admiration for Nezuko sweet and endearing. They also think that Nezuko can help Zenitsu overcome his fears and insecurities, and that Zenitsu can make Nezuko happy and laugh with his antics. Some fans also hope that Nezuko will eventually return Zenitsu’s feelings and become human again.
Some fans dislike this ship because they find Zenitsu’s obsession and possessiveness over Nezuko annoying and creepy. They also think that Nezuko deserves someone better than Zenitsu, who often acts cowardly and selfishly. Some fans also prefer to see Nezuko as a sister figure to Tanjiro and his friends, rather than a romantic interest.
Tanjiro x Kanao
This is another popular and canon ship in the series, as Tanjiro Kamado, the main protagonist and a kind-hearted demon slayer, develops a mutual attraction with Kanao Tsuyuri, a silent but skilled demon slayer who works under Shinobu Kocho. Tanjiro first meets Kanao when he joins the Demon Slayer Corps, and he is impressed by her abilities and demeanor. He also notices that she has a coin that she flips to make decisions, which he later learns is due to her traumatic past that left her unable to express her emotions or opinions.
Tanjiro tries to help Kanao overcome her dependence on the coin and encourages her to follow her own heart. He also compliments her on her beauty and strength, which makes her blush. Kanao gradually warms up to Tanjiro and starts to smile more often around him. She also develops feelings for him and admires his determination and compassion.
Tanjiro’s feelings for Kanao are more subtle and implied than Kanao’s feelings for him, but he does show signs of liking her more than a friend. He often thinks about her when they are apart, and he worries about her safety when they face danger. He also holds her hand when they are recovering from their injuries, which makes both of them happy.
Some fans like this ship because they find Tanjiro and Kanao’s relationship cute and wholesome. They also think that they have a lot in common, such as their gentle personalities, their tragic backgrounds, their love for nature, and their dedication to their missions. Some fans also hope that Tanjiro and Kanao will survive the final battle against Muzan Kibutsuji and live happily ever after.
Some fans dislike this ship because they find Tanjiro and Kanao’s relationship boring or forced. They also think that they have little chemistry or interaction compared to other ships. Some fans also prefer to see Tanjiro as a brother figure to Kanao and his friends, rather than a romantic interest.
Sabito x Giyu
This is one of the most popular slash ships in the series, as Sabito Tomioka, a deceased but influential demon slayer who was Giyu Tomioka’s best friend during their training days. Sabito was a confident and charismatic boy who helped Giyu overcome his self-doubt and fear of killing demons. He also sacrificed his life to save Giyu during the final selection exam, which left Giyu traumatized and guilt-ridden.
Sabito’s death haunts Giyu throughout the series, as he often sees Sabito’s ghost or hears his voice in his head. Sabito acts as Giyu’s conscience and guide, reminding him of his duty and purpose as a demon slayer. He also scolds him when he makes mistakes or loses hope. Sabito also expresses his pride and affection for Giyu whenever he succeeds or grows stronger.
Giyu’s feelings for Sabito are ambiguous but deep-rooted. He considers Sabito as his only friend and regrets not being able to save him or thank him properly. He also keeps Sabito’s mask as a memento of their bond. He sometimes talks to Sabito’s ghost or imagines what he would say or do in certain situations.
Some fans like this ship because they find Sabito and Giyu’s friendship touching and tragic. They also think that they have a lot of chemistry and potential as a couple, especially since they share similar personalities, skills, goals, and hardships. Some fans also hope that Sabito and Giyu will reunite in the afterlife or be reincarnated together.
Some fans dislike this ship because they find Sabito and Giyu’s relationship platonic or brotherly rather than romantic. They also think that shipping them disrespects Sabito’s death or Giyu’s canon love interest Shinobu Kocho. Some fans also prefer to see Sabito and Giyu as mentors or rivals to Tanjiro and his friends rather than romantic interests.
Mitsuri x Obanai
This is another popular canon ship in the series, as Mitsuri Kanroji, the Love Hashira and a cheerful but powerful demon slayer, falls in love with Obanai Iguro, the Serpent Hashira and a cold but loyal demon slayer. Mitsuri and Obanai are both members of the Hashira, which means they have to work closely with each other on a regular basis. But they are more than just colleagues.
Obanai spends most of the series deeply in love with Mitsuri. He pays close attention to her, discerning small changes in her mood from how much she eats or minute facial expressions. He credits her for helping him feel like a normal person, which is something he doesn’t usually feel due to his abusive past and cursed appearance. He also protects her from danger and supports her in battle.
Mitsuri is the Love Hashira, but she doesn’t pick up on Obanai’s feelings until later in the series. She admires Obanai for his strength and dedication, and she tries to cheer him up whenever he is gloomy or angry. She also trusts him with her secrets and confides in him about her insecurities. She eventually realizes that she loves Obanai as well, and wishes to be with him forever.
Sadly, their feelings only come out after Mitsuri is slain by Muzan Kibutsuji, the main antagonist of the series. As she is about to perish, the two finally express their emotions verbally and kiss each other passionately. They die together in each other’s arms, but they are reincarnated later as humans who can live happily together.
Some fans like this ship because they find Mitsuri and Obanai’s relationship sweet and heartbreaking. They also think that they complement each other well, as Mitsuri brings light and joy into Obanai’s life, while Obanai brings stability and security into Mitsuri’s life. Some fans also hope that Mitsuri and Obanai will have a better fate in their next life.
Some fans dislike this ship because they find Mitsuri and Obanai’s relationship rushed or unnecessary. They also think that they have little development or interaction compared to other ships. Some fans also prefer to see Mitsuri and Obanai as friends or teammates rather than lovers.
FAQs: The Ultimate guide to your questions
Q: What are Demon Slayer ships?
A: Demon Slayer ships are fan-made pairings of characters from the manga and anime series Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. They can be based on canon events, fan speculation, or personal preference. They can be romantic, platonic, familial
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