Project X directed by Nima Nourizadeh, is a 2012 found footage comedy about three North Pasadena adolescents — Thomas, Costa, and J.B. An all-night house party...
Scariest Goosebumps was a popular children’s television show in the 1990s. This horror anthology show, based on R.L. Stine’s novels, produced some very horrific episodes. Childhood...
Mickey Mantle Baseball Card: Nobody compares to Mickey Mantle on the diamond and in the world of collecting. Here are the top Ten Mickey Mantle baseball...
Joestar Family Tree: You’ve almost surely heard of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure if you’re on the internet, but if you’re not into anime, you might not know...
What was mirabel’s gift Madrigal may have had a gift all along, despite the fact that she was spurned during her gift ceremony in Encanto. Despite...
Juvia Fairy Tail may be a terrifyingly powerful water magician, but she’s also a peculiar one. The following are ten aspects about her that are perplexing....
Nott The Brave: Critical Role The Brave is significantly more than meets the eye on the surface. She’s got a long history and plenty of eccentricities....
Rem and Ram: Re: Zero, Ram is Rem’s twin sister from the Oni Clan. Find out how old the Oni is and how she interacts with...
Shota Aizawa is a bit of a mystery to viewers of the My Hero Academia anime. Shota Aizawa is a bit of a mystery to viewers...
Gray Black Clover was a fascinating character in Black Clover, but some fans may not be aware of these details about her. Grey is a startling figure...